Book lover. Stephen King Fanatic. Will try anything once. General Lover of Fiction. Reviewer Everywhere. All views my own. Mostly.
Thank you to the author for the review copy.
Lenna Faircloth thought she was content enough to be junior librarian at one of the grandest libraries on the Continent, so long as at the end of the day she can enjoy a glass (or two) of wine and some decent shut-eye. Reticent and unconcerned with trivial matters, Lenna is almost laughably nonplussed the day her childhood friend, Gilbert, appears at her door, asking her to help smuggle stolen goods across national borders.
LIBRARIAN is the first part of a young woman's long journey set in an alternate, sparsely-populated world.
So I'd had this one on my Amazon wishlist for a while so was very grateful to the author for sending me a copy - and it was highly enjoyable in so many ways.
First of all descriptively speaking - the world is imaginative and well formed, the fantasy elements are extremely well done and I loved the characters. Lenna was brilliant - funny and flawed and a terrific main protagonist to follow along with.
I would say its kind of a slow burner, the building blocks of a longer story to be told - but it flows along tremendously well. I can't say I've read a novel quite like it before and don't want to give too much away, but one thing I did like is the addictive nature of the read and how Mr Fence always encourages that "just one more chapter before I go to sleep" feeling.
I'm not sure how many books are planned for the series but this was a brilliant beginning and I will certainly follow it along to its conclusion. I'm very much looking forward to returning to the journey with the sequel.
Recommended for: Young and Young at Heart Adults with a love of fantasy and SteamPunk.
Happy Reading Folks!