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Liz Loves Books.Com.

Book lover. Stephen King Fanatic. Will try anything once. General Lover of Fiction. Reviewer Everywhere.  All views my own. Mostly.

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The Vagrant
Peter Newman
The Good Daughter: A Novel
Karin Slaughter
The Second Sister: A Novel
Claire Kendal
The Waking Land
Callie Bates
Mississippi Blood
Greg Iles

Wake by Anna Hope - Review

Wake - Anna Hope

Coming January 2014 from Randomhouse/ Transworld


Thank you kindly to the author and publisher for the unexpected pleasure of a copy of this book in the post.



Wake: 1) Emerge or cause to emerge from sleep 2) Ritual for the dead 3) Consequence or aftermath.

The lives of  three women are braided together, their stories gathering tremendous power as the ties that bind them become clear, and the body of the unknown soldier moves closer and closer to its final resting place.


Right well the first thing to say is I read this book in 4 hours – I started it on Saturday morning and by lunchtime I was done, such was the power of this novel – it wasnt that I couldnt put it down it was more that I didnt even consider doing so…


This is subtle, compelling and heart wrenching storytelling and I am not going to give much away – suffice to say this is a story of the life changing effects of war – we follow three women over five days against the backdrop of  the shocks of WW1 and the journey home of the unknown soldier. It is at turns addictive, fascinating, wonderful and emotional and will draw you in slowly but surely until you feel you are right alongside the characters.


Until lately I have never read much historical fiction – at the moment I am discovering some wonderful examples of this and wonder to myself why I have ignored it in the past. This book as much as any other has told me that I need to find more of it, although its doubtful that any other (with the possible exception of the one I’m reading right now) will touch my heart in the way that this one did.


Storytelling art. A canvass in words. Beautifully written and exceptionally absorbing. I am undone.


Happy Reading Folks!