213 Following

Liz Loves Books.Com.

Book lover. Stephen King Fanatic. Will try anything once. General Lover of Fiction. Reviewer Everywhere.  All views my own. Mostly.

Currently reading

The Vagrant
Peter Newman
The Good Daughter: A Novel
Karin Slaughter
The Second Sister: A Novel
Claire Kendal
The Waking Land
Callie Bates
Mississippi Blood
Greg Iles

My Life In Books. Anyone else fancy a go?

So a while ago, encouraged by author and friend Susi Holliday, I answered the A-Z questionaire that was going around entitled "My Life In Books".  I had read a few that other bloggers/readers had done. It was fun to do. Would LOVE to see what some of my fellow BookLikes peeps would have to say. Give it a go! Simply copy and paste the Questions and add your own answers/pics/whatever you like. Go on! :)

