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Liz Loves Books.Com.

Book lover. Stephen King Fanatic. Will try anything once. General Lover of Fiction. Reviewer Everywhere.  All views my own. Mostly.

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The Vagrant
Peter Newman
The Good Daughter: A Novel
Karin Slaughter
The Second Sister: A Novel
Claire Kendal
The Waking Land
Callie Bates
Mississippi Blood
Greg Iles

The Wicked Girls

The Wicked Girls - Alex Marwood "The Wicked Girls" is an interesting book - when you start to read it you are kind of expecting a fairly straightforward murder mystery with perhaps the small twist being the fact that the main characters themselves committed a murder. What you actually get is a pretty darn good social comment on child murderers, their reintegration into society and the endless ways that those "outside" of the case can view the "criminals". (Trying not to give away any plot details here, its important to come at this story with minimal knowledge in my opinion). Set against a backdrop of a serial killer haunting a small seaside town, it tells the tale of Jade and Bel, two women who in their youth were imprisoned for a horrendous crime. Now living back in society as a cleaner and a Journalist respectively, their worlds collide again during the events of the main portion of the book. Told in real time and flashback, you get a real sense of place and a feeling for the realities of their situation, both then and now. Cleverly written to keep you guessing, and without need to resort to cliche, I thought this was a terrific story and certainly the resolution of the tale gave pause for thought. Excellent. A 5 star book really, but I think there are great things to come from this author and am leaving myself some wiggle room! Good stuff.