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Liz Loves Books.Com.

Book lover. Stephen King Fanatic. Will try anything once. General Lover of Fiction. Reviewer Everywhere.  All views my own. Mostly.

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The Vagrant
Peter Newman
The Good Daughter: A Novel
Karin Slaughter
The Second Sister: A Novel
Claire Kendal
The Waking Land
Callie Bates
Mississippi Blood
Greg Iles

The Twisted Window

The Twisted Window - Lois Duncan So we come to “The Twisted Window” by Lois Duncan thank you netgalley for the review copy.Tracy is living in a new town, feeling abandoned by her father she is trying to settle in. When the new boy in school, Brad, pays her attention, despite her misgivings she becomes friendly with him. Soon however, she realises that he has ulterior motives for wanting to know her and becomes embroiled in his life in ways she could not have imagined…This was a great read. Tracy, in the way of teenagers, gets sucked in by a pretty face (Brad is rather lovely and angelic to look at) but looks can be deceiving..Is he as charming as he seems? And what does he want from her? Hey, its not exclusive to the young is it? I am a 44 year old mother of 3 and I’m not saying that I don’t like a bit of beauty…its easy to see why Brad would be appealing. Following Tracy as she makes her decisions on what she is and is not willing to do, its compelling stuff. And the outcome to their story is satisfying.Well written, flowing nicely, you will soon get caught up in the story and relate to some of the issues raised. I very much enjoyed it and will be looking out for more from this author.