Book lover. Stephen King Fanatic. Will try anything once. General Lover of Fiction. Reviewer Everywhere. All views my own. Mostly.
Based on a true story really wasn't for me. But I should make it clear that in this case it is most definitely the story rather than the writing quality that was my issue. I actually rather loved the way Delphine De Vigan writes so I'll hopefully read some more from her in the future.
This is about this book though.
Problem being this has been done before and honestly? In my opinion better. The mysterious meeting of two minds, an ongoing friendship developing that becomes toxic or perhaps mutually destructive, with an ambiguous open ended maybe whatever finale that supposedly leaves the reader in a whirl but honestly, left me slightly flat. The lilting beautiful prose is what held me in the novel not the telling of the tale.
And seriously I'm sorry but you know there probably are people out there in the world who have not yet seen the intensely brilliant "The Usual Suspects" but have always intended to do so, who may decide to read this novel. The author lays out the ending of The Usual Suspects in full, including the final scenes in that movie (which DID leave me in a whirl and is cleverly, insanely excellent) thereby giving away all its secrets and even some of the nuances. Why???? Why would you DO that. It irritated me beyond all reason - LUCKILY I have seen that movie, no spoiler for me. I believe it was to make comparisons to how the character in "Based on a True Story" was feeling but you know sorry this was no Usual Suspects and this character is no Kayser Soze. No. Just no.
2* for the beautiful writing but you can keep the rest.