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Speaking in Bones - Review.

Speaking in Bones: A Novel (Temperance Brennan) - Kathy Reichs

**Netgalley copy**


Unbelievably it is outing number 18 for Kathy Reichs and Temperance Brennan - a series I have followed right from the start - reading a "Bones" novel for me is the equivalent of sinking into a warm bath at the end of a stressful day, glass of wine to hand. Whilst I have loved some more than others, the author never disappoints me, they are always darn good reads, excellent construction, great mystery elements and intriguing development for our favourite main characters.

In "Speaking in Bones" Tempe is drawn into a missing persons case by an enigmatic and rather forceful figure - becoming interested despite herself Tempe gets embroiled in strange family dynamics, religious fervour and some weird and obscure goings on. As ever she is like a dog with a bone (yes yes I know) and will not give in until the truth comes out. One thing I've always loved about this main protagonist is her tendency to run headlong into danger whilst berating herself for doing so. She's a bit like me, suffers from chronic impatience.

Anyway, as ever this is scintillating stuff when it comes to the forensics - unsurprisingly given the vast range of knowledge and experience in the hands of the author - and it has a beautiful flow to it which is sometimes annoying (in a good way) as Kathy Reichs has a habit of finishing her snappy chapters with a sentence that means you simply have to read the next.

I want to give a nod to one of the recurring characters - Slidell - who I disliked intensely when I met him some books ago and who I now worship with the passion of a true reader. He is so beautifully ironic and a perfect foil for Tempe, their interactions make up some of the best parts of the novels these days. The dark humour the author adds to proceedings lives and breathes in this relationship and due to some developments in this instalment I believe we will see a lot more of him. Yay!

Of course the ongoing drama between Tempe and Ryan continues...I'm fond of their partnership, on and off, up and down but very authentic given their circumstances and personalities.

Overall then an excellent addition to an already excellent series. I am a loyal fan because I have been given no reason not to be - I loved this one and am already anticipating the next. A beautiful set up here for some great stories to come.